Development Process

If you’re a developer, or will be using development resources to integrate Purolator E-Ship Web Services into your custom website or application, get started by following the steps outlined below.
Developer – Application for re-sale
Follow these instructions if you’re a developer integrating Purolator E-Ship Web Services into an application for re-sale. This includes commercial applications for use by many, such as an e-commerce platform.

Step 1: Download Documentation and Code Samples

View code samples and documentation for the Purolator E-Ship Web Service(s) you will be using.

Step 2: Obtain a Development Key

Obtain a Development Key. This will allow you to test your code in the Purolator E-Ship Test Environment.

Step 3: Develop

Develop your application using the code samples and documentation.

Step 4: Test

Test your application in the Purolator E-Ship Test Environment. Data in the Test Environment is sample data and should be used for testing purposes only.

Step 5: Certification

Based on qualification criteria, some applications may be required to go through Certification before moving to production. A Purolator representative will inform you of whether your application will be required to complete this step. Certification documentation is available in the Documentation and Sample Code section.

Step 6: Request a Production Key

Request a Production Key once your development and testing are complete. You will receive an inactive Production Key until we review your request. Once activated, you will then be ready to use Purolator E-Ship Web Services.
Developer – Application that won’t be re-sold
Follow these instructions if you’re a developer integrating Purolator E-Ship Web Services into a website or application that won’t be re-sold. This includes custom websites or applications for a single customer that has, or plans to open, a Purolator Courier or Freight Account.

Step 1: Download Documentation and Code Samples

View code samples and documentation for the Purolator E-Ship Web Service(s) you will be using.

Step 2: Obtain a Development Key

Obtain a Development Key. This will allow you to test your code in the Purolator E-Ship Test Environment.

Step 3: Develop

Develop your application using the code samples and documentation.

Step 4: Test

Test your application in the Purolator E-Ship Test Environment. Data in the Test Environment is sample data and should be used for testing purposes only.

Step 5: Certification

Based on qualification criteria, some applications may be required to go through Certification before moving to production. A Purolator representative will inform you of whether your application will be required to complete this step. Certification documentation is available in the Documentation and Sample Code section.

Step 6: Request a Production Key

When your development and testing are complete, replace the Development Key with the Production Key. For security purposes, the Purolator Account holder must request the Production Key. You can obtain the Production Key from the Purolator Courier or Freight Account holder.

The Production Key will allow you to access account-specific shipping, tracking, estimates, pickups and returns information. Once activated, you will then be ready to use Purolator E-Ship Web Services. Optional security features are available through consultation with Purolator.
Application owner or representative
Follow these instructions if you will be using development resources to integrate Purolator E-Ship Web Services into your website or application that won’t be re-sold.

Step 1: Open a Purolator Account

If you do not already have a Purolator Courier Account, please visit to get started. Open a Purolator Account for freight shipping services by calling 1-888-SHIP-123 and press option #6 for freight.

Step 2: Request a Production Key

To use Purolator E-Ship Web Services, you must request a Production Key. The Production Key will allow you to access account specific shipping, tracking, estimates, and pickups information.

You will receive an inactive Production Key until we verify your request. A Purolator representative may contact you for security purposes before your Production Key is activated. Optional security features are available through consultation with Purolator.

Step 3: Provide your developer with the Production Key

Ask your developer to replace their Development Key with your Production Key. You will then be ready to use Purolator E-Ship Web Services.
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